Blind Burners

Burning bright with not much sight

We Are Blind Burners

Our mission is to catalyse change in creative industries, focused initially on digital accessibility in Virtual Reality, video games, and creator tools.

Blind Burners World

In 2021 we built our own VR worlds, an art gallery and a galactic sound garden, both navigable by sound. Visit Blind Burners World our home in the metaverse, to find out more.

Our Gift to You

We are offering VR and video game developers and anyone building creator tools a free 30 minute consultation to help you think about accessibility and design innovation and drive improvements in your bottom line.

Our Vision

We see a world...

…where the assumption that VR is a predominantly visual medium, not “for” visually impaired participants, is challenged

…. where tech industry leaders have the courage to course correct the development of XR, a critical new medium, in which our future selves will live, work, love and play.

…where creation tools, arts and tech education are provided to ensure equal access for all

…where innovation and economic value are unleashed through the power of visually impaired authorship.

… where all this is considered foundational to the tech and games industries.

In short, a future built for all of us.

It is something we see, and with your help will make real.


Your generosity makes it possible for us to continue making Burning Man accessible to blind people.

About Us

Blind Burners (‘BB’ ) is a UK-registered Community Interest Company founded with a mission to catalyse change across the creative industries, focused initially on video games, Virtual Reality, and creator tools such as Unity and Unreal Engine.


We would be delighted to speak with companies in the creative industries and technology sector about possibilties for becoming a corporate sponsor of Blind Burners.

Accessibility Consulting

Our members have considerable experience in digital accessibility consulting, as well as lived experience of the consequences of design choices that exclude input from disabled users. If you would like to get a professional insight into how well you website or apps are performing from an accessibility perspective, we would be delighted to speak with you.

Technology Projects

Our team’s expertise in digital accessibility is boosted by our own innovative tech projects, in which we’ve seen first hand the challenges of maintaining accessibility in digital platforms.

Recent Virtual Reality projects include:

  • Blind Burners Art World – the world’s first VR art gallery showcasing audio-described art by blind artists
  • Blind Burners Playa Experience – a pioneering experience in which participants learn to use sound to navigate a journey from Earth to the outer planets, and back to the Sun, represented by an interactive gong bath.

Altspace VR, the platform on which we built these experiences, closed down in March 2023. We are evaluating alternatives and will restore our worlds as soon as possible, so that we can resume onboarding blind and low vision communities, and educating our friends in the tech industry.

Developing Careers

Blind Burners projects in the physical world include:

  • London pilot for a global network of monthly in-person gaming and VR meetups focused on connecting sighted and non-sighted gamers around shared interest in gaming, new technology, art, sound and dance.
  • Delegations of blind and low vision gamers to industry events – EGX 2022 and in July 2023 Brighton Develop.

BB believes that fundamental change in accessibility and inclusion will be driven by blind and low vision gamers entering the games industry. Blind talent will drive innovation across engineering, design, management, sound design, art and VFX. Ultimately, we envisage an award-winning commercial game studio driven by innovative play mechanics that bring together sighted and non-sighted audiences together.

Le Blog

Blind Burners Loves Reno

This will be a post about Blind Burners' plans for Reno/Nevada. How we will work with the local community to…

Blind Burners Brighton: Develop 2023

Blind Burners' delegation to Develop: Brighton stand on the pebbled Brighton Beach in front of a fenced off Lifeguard tower,…

Our Vision: 2020-2023

Blind Burners really began to become a thing in those months of mid-2020 when much of the world was in…

A Blind Date with Banking

For me, 2019 was a year of many firsts. I travelled  to North India, experienced the thrill of  bungee jumping,…

Bare Bones

So, it went like this. We went into lockdown, and I thought we would be equal. All of our activity…

Losing our Breath

We’re losing breath. Black lives matter, how could they not. He says I can’t breathe, and my throat closes in…

Catharsis & Sound

Blind Burners was conceived in 2019 as we planned our trip to Black Rock City, Nevada. Our ideas really began…

Our Birth – Silly & Soulful

This time yesterday I was reading a chapter about “partible paternity”, a belief present among many South American horticulturalist and…


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